Sunday 16 October 2011

genocide of food

the world of sugar and fat is a cruel temptuous place. some people have no fear in it, it either has no effect on them or they can magically resist it, but most fall into my category, sugar and fat fixes everything! we are the most common breed here and find it difficult to ever leave. it fixes bad days, bad news, bad luck, just anything bad. but it never seems to fix a bad arse and a wide waste.

today i find myself at odds with the world of food, i love it so much id dedicate my life to it, i already have in fact, and yet its never kind to me. leaving me a size too big for comfort and and pain in the arse becasue in order to be happy i need to be making food which entails eating it and learning all i can but on the other hand i got the fat genes and im doomed forever to look at mc donalds and gain a stone :(

the food industry has gone insane, packing foods with everything we crave and struggle to resist, appealing to the inner addictions that are not illegal. how is it fair, how is it fair that we have these shoved in our faces but be told, no!, you cant have it it will make you fat and that will make you sad, whats the point of it???? even if its not making you fat its making you unhealthy on the inside. its a pointless food that offers no nutritional value.

i spend most of my time pondering food, and lately due to my widening behind and waist and the ensuing depression of how i'll never wear a bikini, i wonder what happened? what happened that we came to a point where nations can eat themsleves to death and no one puts up a hand and says enough is enough, fast food gotta go. lets go backwards and learn to eat right, learn to cookk right, its like a genocide, killing off all people who lack motivation, strength and confidence in themselves. leaving behind people who have too much confidence and have boundless abilities to strive for things because the world tells them you look perfect so they find it easier to be confident and go for things.

so from today i begin my war on myself, i take back what was always mine but i never had and somehow balance it with th career i have chosen and wage war on the fast food industry. im going to pull a jamie oliver on it and give weak, vulnerable people a chance, because lets be honest, no one wants to hate themselves over what they eat.

knowing me, this should be oodles of fun ;)

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